How to Teach Your Child to Clean Up

Children are experts at making a mess,andthey’renotas good atcleaning up after themselves –it’ssomething theyhave tolearn.So,howcanyou teach your child to beneat and tidy?We’veaskedFamilyAdvisor,Lola Jensen, and here are her top three tips. 


  • You can help your child become good at cleaning up after themselves by:  
  • Making tidying up part of your routine – do a little every day or once a week. 
  • Breaking down the job into manageable tasks – designated storage boxes help.  
  • Assess your child’s energy level – and align your own expectations.  
  • As your child gets older, they can help with household chores too, like cleaning and cooking.      

"Your Mum Doesn't Work Here!" Or Does She?

Girl playing with Wooden Ice Cream Set and Play Shop from FLEXA

1. Make Tidying Up Part of Your Routine  

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2. Break Down the Job into Manageable Tasks