Girl is riding on a FLEXA balance bike in wood

The Benefits of Balance Bikes

Balance bikes, sometimes referred to as striders, are both fun and educational for little children to explore. Not only does this no-pedal bike train your child’s sense of balance, it also improves your child’s gross motor skills, muscle tone, body posture, and spatial awareness. Plus, riding a bike triggers a healthy lifestyle. Learn more about this stimulatingtoyby reading the article below – enjoy the ride!


  • A balance bike is a no-pedal bike that eases your child’s transition into a traditional bike.  
  • Balance biking comes with a lot of developmental benefits. It’s especially great for:  
  1. Stimulating little children’s balance  
  2. Strengthening muscle tone and improving body posture 
  3. Improving children’s spatial awareness 
  • Your child is ready for a balance bike when they can plant both feet fully on the ground while sitting comfortably on the saddle.   
  • Choose a bike with rubber tires and soft handle grips for your child’s stability and comfort.   
Girl is playing at her shop and café from FLEXA with a wooden ice cream set

Which Bike to Choose?

Girl is riding on a FLEXA balance bike in wood