Girls drawing by Creative Table from FLEXA Play

These Toys Enrich your Child’s Language

Some toys are better than others when the goal is to develop children’s communication skills. A general rule of thumb is, go for battery-free toys that activate your child’s imagination rather than providing passive entertainment. Here, we’ve gathered five types of toys that enrich children’s language development. 


  • These toys work as excellent language builders for children of all ages:
  1. Memory games with illustrations that inspire storytelling.
  2. Building blocks that teach your child about opposites and categories.
  3. Toys that encourage your child to mimic grown-up’s gestures and body language.
  4. Toys that teach your child patience and wait their turn.
  5. Drawing toys that let your little one express themselves creatively.
Wooden toys Workbench and tools
The creative table with paper roll from FLEXA is being used by a boy and a girl