Brother and sister is playing with the FLEXA balance board from PLAY in deep green

Why a Balance Board is so Brilliant

To adults, a balance board might look like a curved piece of wood. But to children, it’s an open-ended play toy, offering endless opportunities for functional play. In fact, you can use this versatile toy from 8-months old and well into your little boy or girl’s childhood. Read on to learn why the balance board is sucha brilliant toyfor small children and get ideas for exercises that help develop their motor skills.


  • Playing with a balance board improves your child’s:  Balance, which is essential for crawling, walking, running, jumping, etc.  
  • Overall body control and coordination of movements.  
  • Parachute reflex (the reflex to avoid falling). 
  • Creative thinking, as the board can be used for just about anything your child can think of.  
  • Balance boards can be used for babies from 8 months and well into their childhood.  
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