3 Brilliant Colour Trends for the Kid’s Room

Dreaming of giving your child a beautiful new room, but not in the mood for a big makeover? Try adding some new colours to the room, says Scandinavian Interior Designer Lene Roenfeldt. She has three brilliant ideas for you – and the best of all? These trendswon’tcost you a fortune, you can do them over a weekend, andthey’llstill make a world of difference. 
In just a few steps, you can transform your child's room into an absolute dream room – a room that both you and your style-conscious boy or girl can be proud to show off to friends and family.It'sjust a matter of thinking in colours, says Danish Interior Designer, Lene Roenfeldt. And she has three trending ideas for you: 


  • According to Danish Interior Designer, Lene Roenfeldt, these colours trends are hot right now:  
  • Painted ceilings – a great way to bring your child's favourite colour into the room.   
  • Paint from the floor up to a height of 120 cm – for a cool and grounded look.   
  • Use tone-on-tone colours on door frames and furniture – and create a calm look.   
  • Go ahead and play with the colours! Gone are the days of girly pink and boyish blue.   

1. Paint the Ceiling your Favourite Colour

3. Tone-on-Tone Colours   
