1. General Information

Flexa4Dreams A/S (”FLEXA”)
Teglbækvej 16
8361 Hasselager
CRN: 32775705

A sale from is a sale from the above-mentioned company and governed by Danish law. Any disputes shall be settled by the Courts of Denmark.
If you experience problems with your order or the website, please contact Customer Service:

Phone: +45 87884488

Customer Service Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday 9-22 CET
Saturday - Sunday 9-16 CET

FLEXA reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions without notice to customers. The Terms and Conditions applicable to your order are the ones available on when you place your order. When placing your order, you must agree to the Terms and Conditions.

2. Placing an Order

Placing an order on our website does not constitute a legally binding offer. FLEXA is allowed to cancel your order in case of printing errors, technical issues, delivery failures, or similar situations.

After placing an order on our website, our system will automatically send you an email with an overview of the products you have ordered. This is only an electronic receipt, informing you that we have received your order. The agreement is not binding until the moment you receive an email from FLEXA confirming that your order has been shipped.

3. Payment

At you can pay with Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Amex, Shop Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay. The FLEXA webshop does not charge fees for payments with credit cards. Your payment information will be stored while the payment transaction is being processed. Your payment and card information are stored at our chosen PCI certified partner (Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standard). FLEXA collaborates with Shopify Payments. The information is therefore stored in a safe PCI certified environment, that meets the international security standards, until the payment operation is completed. When you pay with credit card at, only our PCI partner – and not FLEXA – gains access to your credit card information. The processing of your credit card information is therefore solely a matter between you and our PCI partner, even though the payment transaction takes place at

4. Delivery

We offer parcel post delivery and delivery by carrier. Which means of delivery we use depends on your parcel’s weight and dimensions. When you pay, you can see how we plan to deliver your order. Delivery costs will vary, depending on the size of your order and the total sum of your shopping basket. The expected time of delivery can vary, depending on stock supply but is usually handled within 2-6 working days. Go to you local website to learn more about our freight and delivery options.

5. Right of Withdrawal

You have the legal right to withdraw from a purchase bought at FLEXA within 14 days. The withdrawal period expires 14 days after the date on which you:

  • acquire physical possession of your goods.
  • acquire physical possession of the last good in an order, where multiple goods have been ordered in one order but are delivered separately

In case you wish to withdraw from a purchase, or you wish to withdraw from a part of a purchase, you must inform us no later than 14 days from the date on which you have received your goods. Please send your request using this standard withdrawal form or reach us by telephone: +45 87884488.
In your message, you must clearly state that you wish to make use of your right of withdrawal. You cannot withdraw from a purchase simply by refusing to accept the delivery without also having clearly informed us about your wish to withdraw. In case of failed delivery, we will add new delivery expenses.

6. Return

Sie haben ein 14-tägiges Rückgaberecht. Bitte folgen Sie diesem Rücksendelink, um Ihre Rücksendung zu veranlassen.

Zustand der zurückgesendeten Artikel

Zurückgesendete Artikel müssen sich im Originalzustand befinden. Sie dürfen das Produkt prüfen, wie Sie es in einem Geschäft tun würden, aber es muss intakt bleiben, einschließlich der Verpackung, damit es erneut verkauft werden kann. Falls diese Bedingung nicht erfüllt ist, erlischt das Rückgaberecht.

Rückerstattung des Kaufpreises

Wenn Sie Ihre Meinung über den Kauf ändern, erstatten wir Ihnen den vollen Betrag, den Sie für das/die Produkt(e) bezahlt haben. Sollte das Produkt durch unsachgemäße Handhabung an Wert verloren haben, wird die Wertminderung von Ihrer Rückerstattung abgezogen.

Die Rückerstattung erfolgt auf das Konto, das Sie auf dem Rücksendeschein angegeben haben. Die zurückgesendeten Artikel müssen bei uns eingehen und überprüft werden, bevor wir eine Rückerstattung vornehmen können. Dies kann bis zu 14 Tage dauern.


  • Wenn Sie Ihre Ware über GLS zurücksenden, wird eine Gebühr von 15€ von Ihrer Rückerstattung abgezogen.
  • Wurde Ihre Ware über Dachser geliefert, betragen die Rücksendekosten 125€, da die Rücksendung eine Palettenhandhabung und eine LKW-Abholung erfordert. Dieser Betrag wird von Ihrer Rückerstattung abgezogen.
  • Sie sind in jedem Fall für die Rücksendekosten verantwortlich, und diese werden immer von Ihrer Rückerstattung abgezogen.

Was sollte in Ihrem Rücksendepaket enthalten sein?

  • Eine Kopie der Rechnung
  • Ein ausgefüllter Rücksendeschein

Wichtig: Wir akzeptieren keine Pakete, die per Nachnahme verschickt werden.

7. Warranty

When you shop at, you have a two-year warranty. But please note, selected products are sold with a supplementary right of complaint. Read more here.

Our right of complaint covers manufacturing and material defects, which will typically be found during use. Our right of complaint does not cover damages caused by improper use, handling errors or gross misuse by the buyer.

How Soon Should I Complain?
Please file your complaint as soon as possible and within “reasonable time” after you discover the defect. If you file your complaint within two months after the defect is discovered, the complaint will always be timely.

How do I Complain?
Please complete our Claim Form

Based on your submitted complaint, FLEXA will assess whether we can accept your complaint and subsequently determine how the damage can best be repaired:

  • You can have the defect remedied, and we can for instance send you replacement parts
  • You can have the item replaced with a new item
  • You may get a price discount

8. Privacy Policy

For you to enter into an agreement with us and for you to complete a purchase at, we need the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Information on your purchase

We register your personal data for the purpose of delivering your goods and inquiries related to it. Handling of your personal data is in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In our Privacy Policy, you can read how we process your personal data, when your data is deleted and what rights you have as a registered customer.

9. Complaints

Should you wish to log a complaint over your purchase, please contact Customer Service.

You can also use the European Online Dispute Resolution platform if you live in another European country. Complaints are submitted here – Upon filing your complaint, you must give our mail address

10. Reservations and Disclaimers

We make reservations for price errors, typing errors, items sold out and force majeure, including delivery failure from our suppliers.

Our furniture is made of natural materials. This means that direct sunlight and heat from e.g., a radiator can discolour or dry out the surface of wood and fabric. For wood, this process is most pronounced in the first few months but can continue throughout the life cycle of the product even though all our products have a surface treatment.

Although we have made great efforts to specify colours and qualities as accurately as possible on the website, the colours and screen resolutions of computers may vary. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that your screen reproduces the colour correctly. If you have any doubts about the colour, we recommend that you visit our stores or one of our retailers. You can find your nearest here.


Last updated October 16, 2023.