Little mischief-makers should be able to play safely in their rooms and unleash their creativity. And sleep well.
They know all about this at FLEXA, who for more than 50 years have been making beds and children's furniture with a focus on safety, play and child development.
As parents, one of our most important tasks is to ensure that our children grow up in a safe environment. Specifically by keeping an eye on safety in the home, but also when it comes to the atmosphere within the four walls of the home and the environment in the children's room. Because just as we as adults are more open to creativity and play when we feel safe, children's development is also emotionally fuelled by a safe environment.Children spend many hours in their rooms, and if you ask Malene Gammelgaard Nielsen, CEO of FLEXA, it's all about taking the worry out of the equation so that parents can spend as much time as possible spending time with their children rather than worrying about safety."We know that children jump in bed. We also know that children start crawling out of bed and are more active when they reach toddler age. That's why we've eliminated all the pitfalls, including rounding the edges of our products so that little fingers don't get trapped. The most important thing for us is that parents can have complete confidence that our furniture is safe," says Malene Gammelgaard Nielsen and elaborates:"This also applies to the way our furniture is treated. The lacquer we use is completely water-based, so if your child sucks on the edge of the bed, it's not a problem, because everything is of course tested to the highest standards."
A bed is more than a place to sleep
Overall, a children's room needs to be multi-purpose and multi-functional. It should be able to accommodate wild play, but also contemplation, where the child can sit and tinker with whatever interests him or her.
Aesthetic products
It's been a long time since great-grandma or grandma slept in a chest of drawers in their parents' bedroom. And with the advent of the semi-detached house, the children's room became an important part of most homes. Now children needed their own place to play, learn and sleep. At FLEXA, children have been a natural centre for over 50 years. Since its inception in 1972, FLEXA has grown into a global organisation that stays true to its core designs and values, but also evolves with the times.
"Our mission is to give children better sleep. And then it's to develop children through play and support children's learning. Over the last 15 years, children have moved out of the nursery and into the family living space. That's why it's important to us that our products are relevant and aesthetic, so you can stand to look at a FLEXA children's kitchen in your living room or wherever the family gathers," says Malene Gammelgaard Nielsen.
Long lifespan with a focus on sustainability
One of FLEXA's core values is and has always been a strong focus on sustainability. This applies not only to the choice of materials, but also to the longevity of the products and the ability to rebuild and customise as needed.
"Our beds can start out as a single bed that stands on the floor. Then you can buy a set and convert it into a house bed that invites you to play with siblings and friends or spend quiet time alone. Or you can turn it into a high bed that integrates a desk when your child reaches school age. So you can actually have many of our beds right up until you leave home," explains Malene Gammelgaard Nielsen, recounting an experience she had in one of FLEXA's stores:
"I get incredibly proud when people come in and show a picture of a 25-year-old FLEXA bed that they want to pass on to their grandchild. They might want to rebuild it a bit and come in to see if they can use the parts we sell now for the old bed. And they can."

Good sleep is important
The longevity of the furniture and the ability to grow with the child also applies to FLEXA's latest collection, Nova. A baby and junior collection consisting of beds and a changing table that - when you're done nappy changing - can be transformed into a beautiful and functional chest of drawers that can be used anywhere in the home.
And when the child outgrows the cot, it can be converted into a toddler bed and later into a junior bed. This way, your child can enjoy the security of sleeping in their familiar bed for years to come.
The Nova collection is characterised by a different and more organic design language than FLEXA is usually known for. Without compromising on quality and sustainability.
"Even though we haven't previously focused much on the baby segment, we actually have a lot of knowledge about sleep. We have taken all our competences and our 50 years of knowledge about children's sleep and created the Nova collection. The cot has high, closed and rounded end walls that provide an intimate and protective feel. The colours are also well thought out. We've measured how many sensory impressions an infant receives, and it turns out that calm colours and a matte surface result in much better sleep and a calmer environment. The collection is of course made of wood, which is the natural choice of material for FLEXA," says Malene Gammelgaard Nielsen.
Text Anne Niluka Photo PR
Link to original article written in Danish is here
Featured collection
AlleFLEXA: Furniture that Grows with Your Child, Supporting Sleep, Play, and Development
"We work with some of the country's most talented experts, both in terms of safety, but also on things like sleep, play and immersion," says Malene Gammelgaard Nielsen.
"Our name, FLEXA, is a reference to the flexibility of design, and it's in the name that we want to grow with the child. Our furniture must be able to meet the changing needs throughout the child's development. A bed should be able to do many other things and be a place where you can feel cosy and safe. They should also be able to play and have fun with their mates. And most importantly, the bed should be a cosy place to ensure a good night's sleep. Good sleep is essential for everything in a child's development."