Boy is riding his wooden balance bike

Help your Child Develop Great Motor Skills

Improving your child’s motor skills is improving your child’s control over their own body. It will open a whole world of new possibilities for your child. Just imagine, after months of sitting down, you’re suddenly able to stand up straight and take part in a ball game with your older siblings. Or you find out that you can jump – next stop, the sofa cushions!


  • Schedule more physical play time to give your child a head start on their motor skills.  
  • Think about activating your child’s entire body.  
  • Swinging, spinning around, and turning upside-down is great for balance practice.  
  • Pushing, pulling, and stretching will improve your child’s muscle and joint coordination.  
  • Soft touches and deep pressures stimulate the outer and inner skin-layers.

Activate your Child’s Entire Body


Additional Tips for Peaceful Mealtimes