Switch “OFF” to Turn “ON” a Healthy Childhood

Modern families are busy. Much too busy if you ask family advisor, Lola Jensen. In her 37 years working as a family advisor, she has witnessed what an overbooked family calendar and too much screen time does to little children – and especially to their brains. In this article, we give you the sad facts, but you also get Lola Jensen’s uplifting tips on how to slow things down at home.


  1. We live in the hustle and bustle of the twenty-first century and only some children manage to cope. 
  2. Other children start to turn inward, some even get depressed or labelled highly sensitive. 
  3. For children to have a healthy upbringing, they need time to just be children.  
  4. Here are the family advisor’s tips to create a calm and quiet atmosphere at home:
  • Limit unnecessary activities, like after-school activities and leisure activities. 
  • Switch off screens and instead enjoy some piece of mind. 
  • Make room for playtime – it will be your child’s breathing space.  