Boy and girl are drawing on the creative table  with paper roll from FLEXA

What Children Learn from Drawing

Your child’s drawings are more than just scribbles on a piece of paper. They’re your child’s first written message, and the art of drawing itself comes with a lot of developmental benefits. Drawing helps your little one communicate, it sharpens their visual senses, and it sparks their creativity. Plus, when you let your child’s drawings take place on the fridge, it’s a real self-esteem-booster for your little one. So, get out all your child’s colouring pencils and let your little artist loose.


  1. When it comes to drawing, every child goes through the same stages of development.  
  2. First, children draw rough lines and circles, then objects according to their importance.   
  3. Regardless of your child’s age, drawing comes with a number of developmental benefits:   
  • Drawing helps your child communicate feelings, ideas, dreams and wishes.  
  • Drawing improves your child’s sense of space and attention to detail.  
  • Drawing is a great way to foster your child’s self-esteem.  
  • Drawing lets your child experiment and develop a creative mindset. 
Child focuses while sitting on a study chair at his study table
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