Boy is drawing at the FLEXA creative table with paper roll

Restful Afternoon Activities for Children Aged 3-6

With small children, the hours just before dinner time can be a little challenging. Throughout the day, your little ones have taken in tons of new information – instructions from teachers, invitations from playmates, and input from other kids – so perhaps what they need is some quiet time to process the day’s events.  

We asked family advisor, Lola Jensen, to share her ideas for afternoon activities fit for children aged 3-6. 

1. Cuddles on the Couch

“Before you start dinner preparations, take your time to snuggle up on the couch with your little ones. Put on a show that you know your children are comfortable and familiar with; if they like to watch Postman Pat, there’s no reason to introduce a new cartoon figure at this time of day. It’s okay to let them watch 20 minutes and midway you can go start the cooking.”  

2. Draw What you Hear 

“After you have turned off the TV, help your children empty their heads by putting their thoughts and emotions down on paper. I call this activity ‘draw what you hear through the loudspeakers.’ It can be a playlist with some quiet music on, or an audiobook with a story that you know your little ones will love. Put Colouring Pencils on the table and watch your kids’ imaginations unfold in the most fascinating ways. Bonus: the drawings make great conversation topics.” 

3. Pretend Play in The Kitchen

“At this age, children love to imitate their parents. A play Kitchen is a beautiful add-on to your real kitchen and ideal for encouragingpretend playaround dinner time. Let the playing merge into real kitchen work and ask your little helpers to set the table (you can’t help but smile when you see the seating plan). I guarantee your kids will glow with pride because they feel they’re contributing with something of value to their family. Dinner is served, bon appétit!”  

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